Music, Art, and Cats Make The World A Better Place

New Mission Statement:

"We're a sanctuary for cats and humans, fostering healing through music, art, and feline companionship.

Our mission is to provide a secure online haven away from social media, offering community support, advocacy, and resources focused on grief, trauma, and healing. We provide lifetime care for cats through our Sanctuary Program, and gather real-life stories showcasing the transformative power of animals, music, and art."

Claire & Potato creepin on the others from the carrier fort

Foster Cat Update:

Joplin & Mr. M have been loving life in their new home. Joplin ended up having 2 separate appointments to get all her dental work done, but is doing fantastic! I have been told that they have become their new Moms "Sun & Moon" in life and make her so happy! If you ever got the chance to meet them, you know why. We wish them all the very best!!

Laszlo, and Nadja are days away from going to their new home. Laszlo got his last FIP treatment on Sunday and will need a few months of bloodwork rechecks and observation to make sure he is totally in the clear. Thanks to your support we have not just been able to keep them safe and healthy after being separated from their Mom at only 8 days old from a housefire, but we also didn't have to hesitate when Laszlo got sick to get the treatments he needed to save his life. I am forever thankful for their foster mom (now their brother Dinky's, new mom) for taking them in when they were just bitty babies, and trusting her instinct about Laszlo when he started to show signs of not being well. His life was worth fighting for and he survived thanks to the Lucky Cats community and their incredible donors!!


Laszlo (left) & Nadja (right) being brave on their recent visit to the vets office


New Website and Donation Info:

In more exciting news! Our new website is underway and will be freely accessible to all. Our 'Online Sanctuary' will offer a safe space for community support and resource-building, emphasizing the healing power of cats, art, and music. Stay tuned for cat videos, bios of our Sanctuary Cats, a tribute/grief area, “real-human resources”, and a call for submissions to share stories of how animals, art, or music have aided in your healing.

For those on the Instagrams, you might have seen some of the stress I had been dealing with regarding our former donation platform, I’m so glad that is officially behind us and I can move forward with our more simplified program and operational structure going forward. #lessismore

For all those that were and would like to become monthly donors again or donate one-time, please use the link below for a link to our PayPal fundraising page.

Potato & Mac having a “Meeting of the Blinds”

Supporting the Sanctuary Cats:

Get ready to spoil yourself and your feline friends with our merchandise and cat toys now available for purchase on our sponsors website, Explore the 'Cat People United' collection featuring handmade cat toys and other goodies. Every purchase directly supports Lucky Cats Rescue, helping us sustain our mission. Treat yourself while making a difference – shop now!


Cheese & WP chillaxin and doing what they do


It's 2024, and the Dental Days have arrived!