New Year, New Mission Statement

“Lucky Cats Rescue’s mission focuses on fostering, advocating, and supporting cats and their humans who need support during times of grief, trauma, and healing. We aim to build a new community, safe haven & sanctuary for cats and humans to come to support each other.”

Is it time to come out of internet hibernation already!?  We are closing in on the end of Lucky Cats Rescue's 2nd year and Lil Kim’s 2nd Birthday. I thought you should know a little about what has been happening over our Winter Break.

After a year of trying new things, figuring out what works, what doesn’t work, and what means most, we have begun to focus on our key missions:

Fostering Program: Our primary focus is first to provide a safe haven, we aim to help women fleeing abusive environments keep their cats since nearly half of the victims stay in abusive situations rather than leave their pets behind, and shelters do not accommodate pets for more than a couple weeks, if at all. At Lucky Cats Rescue, we believe that getting out of an abusive home is hard enough, we want to give these women hope and knowledge that their cat is safe also, and our goal is reunification when they are stable in their new home. If that is not possible, then we will help make sure the cats are adopted into loving homes.

In addition, we foster felines in need of care and new home due to their human death. Pets grieve too, and our program supports these cats until they can be adopted by new guardians, who will continue with their comfort & care.

Cat Therapy & Online Community: Potato and her peeps have been very busy. Miss Kim has been coming back into the office more now that the weather isn’t as chilly, but we have been uping the Catification game at the current cat sanctuary and are hoping to be able to give you a sneak peek into the kitty’s playground soon! 

Communities Program:  Cat people are not simple people. Just like cats, we are multi-passionate, all unique with similar quirks & cat things we do, we are silly and often misunderstood. Our Communities Program aims to build a new safe haven for cats and people to watch out for one another online and in our local communities. 

One of our pillars is Partnering, the belief that 2 are stronger than 1 when we do things together, and we are making connections in our local communities to build opportunities for doing just that. With these partnerships, we are able to provide space and enhance their current programs. These programs and training focus on educating these young adults to help give them support and the tools to live healthy, happy life.  

  • Community partnerships & collaborations

  • Compassion through cats

  • Art Therapy and events

  • Curating a new private and safe online community for cat people who care and want to share

  • Cat Sanctuary of the Future

As we get things back in gear around here at Lucky Cats Rescue Headquarters, we want to thank you for supporting our start and mission as we continue into this next year! I’ve been planning some special Thank You gifts for our Super Supporters of 2022; those should be in the mail soon! Our new fundraising platform is almost up and running, and then the cat games can begin! Theres some good things in the timeline for this year, and your support helps make that happen! More to come!!

Peace, love, and Potato

    Holly Jane

-Founder of LCR


2023 Goal: Zero Adoptions


Bustin’ Out With Buster!